A Pillar of Cloud and a Hummingbird by the Flowers
I’m going to write about a hummingbird again. I would never have guessed that God would use hummingbirds quite like He has during my sabbatical but He has. So many different encounters with Jesus have involved hummingbirds. At least He didn’t use pigeons or vultures!
I was spending my quiet time on our front dive today. It was a beautiful morning and quiet in the neighborhood. I was reading Exodus 13 and Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership. The book was talking once again about the importance of solitude in the life of a leader. Ruth Haley Barton suggested that Moses’ leadership was strong in the midst of great difficulty because he had spent so much time in solitude with God. That solitude convinced Moses of God’s presence in his life regardless of the circumstances. The chapter was speaking deeply to me.
In the midst of all this, a hummingbird flew up to the flower pot next to me and started drinking some sweet flower nectar. This was so amazing. This was a moment when God reminded me of His constant presence in my life. I hadn’t asked for any hummingbirds today. I didn’t even realize we had hummingbirds in our neighborhood, but in this moment that God reminding me that He is always present in my life regardless of the circumstances. I’m sure the Israelites and Moses didn’t realize they would have a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night in their neighborhood either. But they did and it reminded them of God’s guiding presence in their lives (Exodus 13:21-22).
Barton writes, “Moses’ effectiveness as a leader had to do with the fact that even though he was fully aware of the people’s emotion, he was even more attuned to the reality of God’s presence.” That’s the kind of leader I want to be. God is using hummingbirds to help me realize I can become that leader as I wait on Him in solitude. More importantly God is using hummingbirds to let me know that He is always with me. He will never leave me – Joshua 1:5 & Matthew 28:20. That powerful reality is getting deep into my soul and I am deeply grateful. I discovered it as I took time to be with Jesus.
What about you? Is there something that reminds you of God’s unending presence in your life? If not, maybe it’s time to be with Jesus and let Him reveal it you. Share your thoughts with me on Facebook!